OLFO® FRITTEUSE by Gastrofrit® is a revolutionary frying center that optimizes the frying process through efficient energy use. Thanks to unique technology, the oil becomes a permanent resource, used indefinitely without chemicals or additives. This approach ensures significant savings and exemplifies true sustainability in the culinary industry.

OLFO Variant A
35'712 CHFexcl. 8,1% VAT
plus Shipping Costs
OLFO Variant B
33'606 CHFexcl. 8,1% VAT
plus Shipping Costs
OLFO Variant C
37'808 CHFexcl. 8,1% VAT
plus Shipping Costs
OLFO variant D
31'505 CHFexcl. 8,1% VAT
plus Shipping Costs
We have 30 years of experience in deep fryer construction. That’s not the challenge. The filtering in the nano range in the fryer is new. Our membrane filter and its mechanism works. You can save at least 70% frying oil. But it’s a prototype. Now we want to go into series production and set up production. That costs money.
OLFO is a product for system gastronomy. The largest and most franchise fast food chains are located in America. The decision-makers are also in the USA. Although the International restaurants have built up.
Many corporations and governments want to become more sustainable and waste fewer resources. You have funds for it. This is the most efficient way to save energy in a fast food or conventional restaurant. If 10% of fryers worldwide are OLFO, you can save 2.5 million tons of frying oil per year.
Many corporations and governments want to become more sustainable and use fewer resources. Funds have been created for green causes and sustainability. The OLFO is the most efficient way to save energy and resources in a fast food or conventional restaurant. If 10% of fryers worldwide are OLFO, you can save 2.5 million tons of frying oil per year.
Thanks. We developed the component with the ETH University and the ZHAW University of Applied Sciences in Zurich. Membranes are used in many places. To desalinate water, etc. We use it to continuously clean the frying oil. The frying oil is regenerated in the nano range and the harmful substances are removed. This means the frying oil is kept fresh and never needs to be disposed of.
We have 30 years of experience in deep fryer construction. That’s not the challenge. We have a market in Europe for our fryers. But we want to expand. The filtering in the nano range is new in our new deep fryer OLFO. Our membrane filter and its mechanism work. You can save at least 70% frying oil. But it’s a prototype. Now we want to go into series production and set up production. That costs money.
OLFO is a product for system catering. The largest and franchised fast food chains are located in America. The decision-makers are also based in the USA. McDonalds, KFC and others have their restaurants all over the world. Hence the step with marketing in the USA. The development remains in Switzerland and the production in Eastern Europe. In the first step.
At the moment, around 30,000 gastrofrit fryers are in use every day. www.gastrofrit.ch OLFO is a new development from Gastrofrit AG. OLFO is a frying center that was designed and developed for American fast food chains. Therefore to America where the restaurant market is expanding in the fast food sector.
Frymaster and Hanny Penny can also filter and save on frying oil. However, our approach is on a different level. With the OLFO product, the frying oil is no longer disposed of every three days. Only a heavily soiled portion is disposed of. The regeneration process is internationally patented by us. So we could start. We can keep up with the product prices.
Same as before. However, only a small part. So about 20% to 33%.
The fryer is built according to the standard. We have over 30 years of experience. Oil filtration is revolutionary new. We continuously filter the oil with a membrane. So we no longer have to dispose of the frying oil after three days. So no more.
Millions of square miles of canola and sunflower are grown. Or palm oil harvested. These resources can be used for something else.
The membrane, i.e. the filtering in the nano range, was internationally patented by Frima Gastrofrit AG. That was part of the deal back then.
The cost is 15% higher and comparable to the cost of existing fryers offered in the quality range.
We are about to start the pilot series and are looking for an investor as a partner in Castle Placement so that we can sell the OLFO on the US market. Our goal is to be able to offer the product in mid-2023.
Yes the OLFO is for Fastfood Franchise Restaurants. The Frying Center OLFO can save frying processes in the electronics. The fried products can be programmed. All processes, including cleaning and standby times, can be stored. Of course you can save tons of frying oil in burger/frites restaurants and thus save money.
- The unique selling point is the patented membrane filtering. So that the frying oil no longer has to be disposed of.In addition, the heater that is unplugged from the OLFO fryer. This can be cleaned in the dishwasher.
- Latest precise electronics
- Serviceability with pluggable design.
- Swiss quality with 30 years of experience
The membranes are used to keep the air in the aircraft almost germ-free again. To filter from salt water to fresh water. To get beer without alcohol. Can also be an advantage 🙂 . And to save on frying oil. This membrane technology is just beginning.
We are a very small company of 10 employees. But we have a lot of know-how about fryers and frying. We manufacture and sell fryers with 30 years of experience. Now we have developed a product for the American fast food franchises market. With a uniqueness.
Yes oil and energy. The OLFO product only uses 20% of the frying oil. The frying oil is continuously regenerated and treated gently. So it no longer has to be disposed of.
No on the contrary. It all simplifies. The frying oil no longer has to be disposed of every third day. Only a third is disposed of. This saves storage and waste oil logistics.
The deep fryer with the high power consumption of energy and oil is the point where you can save the most in the fast food restaurant kitchen. So we have a revolutionary and logical solution. Certification is pending.
We have largely completed the development and are about to start series production. We also budgeted for marketing and sales.
Many restaurant chains like McDonald’s want a competitive advantage with green labels and sustainability. We could deliver the product.
The fryers aren’t much more expensive and you save up to $64,000 in oil a year per Restaurant with three fryers. Is the investment amortized in 2.5 years?
Operation is simple with three buttons for the staff. All frying processes can be programmed and stored. Also with the option of automatic basket lifting. We give a three-year guarantee for the automatic basket lift. This is an advantage over the competition. It simplifies everything. The training is shortened and the quality can be ensured by programmed deep-frying processes. The frying oil no longer has to be disposed of every third day. Only a third is thrown away. This saves warehousing and waste oil logistics.
Ja, das OLFO-Produkt ist verfügbar. Allerdings mit einem herkömmlichen Filtersystem.
Der OLFO mit dem Filter, bei dem das Öl im Nanobereich regeneriert wird und das Frittieröl nicht aussortiert werden muss, wird 2023 auf den Markt kommen.
No definitely not. The competition works with supplements such as additives. So they add something to the oil. This can also become a problem for the product. Gastrofrit with OLFO only filter. However, in the nano range and therefore the most efficient.
No, the taste remains the same. The soot particles and all residues are removed from the frying oil. The frying oil always tastes fresh. We can also remove the particles from used frying oil and make the frying oil usable again. In the test on the picture you can see from left to right how the oil quality improves after filtering with the membrane.
Odor transfer can occur between onion rings and fries from the same fryer. Now a bit of physics: We clean in the nano range. Flavors are molecules. So a thousand times smaller. However, the fried products are already separated today. You can’t expect a vegan or vegetarian to get fries from a fryer that has previously fried chicken. We have a self-contained filter circuit for each frying unit.
We hope that we will achieve our goals. We have good young engineers on our project who want to change something for your future. The restaurant chains want to become greener. So let’s do it. The OLFO product could really make a difference and save a lot of recusing without great effort.
The membrane filter technology continuously separates the soot particles and burned breading in the nano range from the frying oil. The particles therefore do not burn on the heater for days. The harmful formation of acylamide is inhibited. Acylamide is known to be carcinogenic.
We developed OLFO with the ETH University of Zurich and the ZHAW University of Applied Sciences Zurich.
Cars, nuclear power plants, airplanes and rockets are usually the focus. In our case, it’s the deep fryers of the fast food franchise chains.
Yes, it is feasible and plausible. Our goal is to sell the first OLFO fryers in 2023 and achieve a 10% market share in the professional fryer market.
The metal pre-filter (green, brown) must be emptied once a day. That’s where most of the residue is. That means pander residues that fall down to particles that are no longer visible to the naked eye (40µ). The membrane, which separates particles in the nano range, is located in a cartridge that has to be replaced once a year. The membrane cannot get dirty. This separates the residues using a flow technique.
No, we regenerate the frying oil in the nano range with a patented process, i.e. a membrane. The competitors have mechanical filters or filter cloths that simply catch the dirt.
We have been manufacturing and selling fryers for restaurants and catering for 25 years. In 2016, when we were asked to develop an innovation with a university, we took the opportunity. Now we are the only ones who can offer such a filtration with such a saving. It’s really revolutionary.
We don’t have an official certificate yet. We can map the process and have laboratory tests and tests in restaurants with the university where we can prove success. Among other things in the largest Swiss canteen in Zurich.
Yes, the membrane is in a stainless steel cartridge and is extremely resistant. This must be replaced once a year. In front of the membrane there is a pre-filter that has to be emptied daily.
The savings from frying oil are gigantic. However, electricity and gas are also saved. Especially when it comes to electricity, we have optimally adapted the heating circuit and two standby functions that can be set individually. To program at manager level.
- Doug Jendras <djendras@castleplacement.com>
- For technology questions: Alexander Schlegel (alexander.schlegel@gastrofrit.ch)
It’s actually all restaurants. Mainly franchise restaurant. The savings for the frying oil would be enormous and the logistics and storage of frying oil must also be taken into account.
We developed the filter membrane with two Swiss universities (ETH and ZHAW). Gastrofrit AG has exclusively patented this internationally. We are about to start series production and are now looking for an investment. Since this product OLFO can be positioned quickly primarily in the US market, we are looking for an investor in Castle Placement. The demand for fried food will remain. Even if everyone knows that you should eat healthier. We see the potential for efficient frying and sustainable action.
We developed the filter membrane with two Swiss universities (ETH and ZHAW). Gastrofrit AG has exclusively patented this internationally. We are about to start series production and are now looking for an investment. Since this product OLFO can be positioned quickly primarily in the US market, we are looking for an investor in Castle Placement. The demand for fried food will remain. Even if everyone knows that you should eat healthier. We see the potential for efficient frying and sustainable action.
That’s correct. In many restaurants, the fryer is a greasy thing that nobody likes to clean. Everything about it is hot and after work the clothes smell like it. But actually you can save a lot with this thing and make sales. You can invest in it and massively improve the quality of the restaurant. Everyone knows where the fries are fresh and where the quality is always the same.
Das ist eine berechtigte Frage. Meiner Meinung nach wird der Energieverbrauch unterschätzt. Der Strom-, Gas- und Speiseölverbrauch ist gigantisch. Mit neuer Technologie könnten große Fortschritte erzielt werden. Nun, lassen Sie uns mit OLFO beginnen.
That’s a good question. With a conventional fryer, the frying oil is changed every third day. A restaurant (McDonalds) typically has three fry centers. Depending on size. That’s 84 gallons a week. That’s 4536 gallons a year. The oil is not usually thrown away. It is collected, stored, pumped around and then used as heating oil. However, it is an edible that is then consumed very quickly.
That’s a valid question. In my opinion, the energy expenditure is underestimated. The electricity, gas and cooking oil consumption is gigantic. Great advances would be made with new technology. Well, let’s start with OLFO.
This has concerned some people. Thanks for the interesting question. Cooking oil is an edible. After 3 days, the oil is discarded. That’s 84 gallons per restaurant per week (McDonald’s regular size with three fryers). So 4536 gallons a year. The oil is filtered / pumped out / stored / picked up / bought again etc. And finally burned. We can do better.
Thanks for the question. I am the CEO of Gastrofrit AG. In Europe gastronomy is rather in decline. It’s getting harder and harder to make money from conventional restaurants. We have more and more American fast food restaurants, McDonalds, KFC, Burger Kings, etc. A lot of fried food is eaten in these restaurants. The decision-makers are in the USA. Now the mountain comes to the prophet.
Yes I think it’s a place where a lot of energy is wasted. Still. Cooking oil is edible and should be continuously cleaned of dirt. Acylamide is cancer-promoting. This must be removed immediately from the oil. Acylamide is formed when residues are repeatedly heated and reheated for hours and days.
He needs less manpower in the kitchen. The OLFO works automatically. The frying oil is constantly regenerated. The storage of oil. Pumping out oil. The daily filtering of oil etc. is no longer necessary.